Sunday, January 8, 2012

3D Animation Can Increase Viewer Retention - 3d Animation Studios

Despite the obvious success of these technologies, animation studios have shied away from its use due to time and budgetary constraints. With the dawn of newer technologies, however, 3D graphics have come into the reach of any production desiring them. Whereas before production teams would have to spend countless hours and amounts of money creating 3D graphics, today technology allows them to create their desired product in as little as a week Through the use of 3D filming, producers are able to give the viewer an even more exciting experience by escaping the boundaries of the camera and actual recorded footage. Virtual cameras allow for the audience to explore the scene and the story on a more intimate level through allowing them to see areas of the picture that would otherwise be inaccessible.

TMBA is a animation studio. Find out more about 3d animation by visiting the studio website.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3D Animations Can Increase Viewer Retention - 3d Animation Studios

Special effects and 3D broadcast animation are an integral part of practically all feature films today. 3D visual effects also have numerous creative as well as practical applications in the field of production. Whereas the camera only allows for actual footage, 3D animation gives the producer the ability to relay even more intense, dramatic, and fantastical images.

Finding audiences has proven itself to be a challenge particularly in recent years with the dramatic increase in television and video programming. Because of this, programs have experienced a growing need to acquire and keep a audience large enough to maintain their viewings and survive. Research has shown that the use of 3D animation for broadcast can increase the number of viewers. The modern audience is far more used to 3D images and maneuvering these kinds of graphics due to increased use of 3D visual effects in both film and video games.

TMBA is a animation studio in NYC. Find out more about 3d animation for television by visiting the studio website.