Saturday, April 2, 2011

What Causes a Tsunami- How Tsunamis are Formed

Tsunami is a Japanese word which means "harbor wave."  In the past these damaging ocean waves were sometimes known as tidal waves but, the term fell out of favor with the scientific community, because tsunamis have nothing to do with tides. Over  80% of tsunamis form in the Pacific Rim region. There is a geographically active area there known as the "Ring of Fire," which is prone to volcanoes and earthquakes due to the existence of tectonic plate boundaries in the ocean floor. Tsunami facts can be difficult to understand and scientists are still attempting to determine what causes them and how to predict them earlier so lives can be saved.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations that explain what happens.

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