Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trial Graphics- 3D Trial Graphics

Especially useful In criminal and accident trials, 3D trial graphics can take a juror right into an event, present complicated technical facts or demonstrate forensic evidence. The purpose of a graphic, the amount of time needed to produce it, the existing budget, the need for future revisions, and the compatibility of 3D with other courtroom graphics included in the strategy.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Causes a Tsunami- Tsunami Wave Train

A tsunami wave has a trough, which is the lowest point beneath the wave's crest. The trough reaches inland first, and creates a vacuum that sucks up the coastal water near the shoreline away from the land, exposing the sea floor in harbors and inland areas. The is the first indicator that the destructive crest of the wave is on its way and can help save lives-- there is about five minutes from the the time of the coastal water being sucked away and the arrival of the tsunami wave.

As a tsunami waves travel across deep water they may be only a foot or so high and hard to detect. Once it reaches inland, however the surge can reach heights of 100 feet or more, a massive wall of water that when it reaches land that can cause incredible destruction and loss of life. With wavelengths of up to 60 miles long these dangerous phenomenon can destroy long stretches of coastal areas. These waves are often part of a wave train, which is a series of waves and its mandatory to wait for an all clear before returning to the scene of a tsunami.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations that illustrate the wave pattern.

Trial Graphics- Medical Animation

Of the available trial graphic services, technical and medical illustrations and photography have been in use for many, many years. More recently, the use of 2D and 3D computer animations have been on the rise. Modern digital technology and software has made 3D animations more accessible than ever. They have also become must faster to produce.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trial Graphics- Encoding Information

Scientists have looked at a process known as encoding, which is the first step of memorization. With encoding, our memory uses a classification system for ordering information before forwarding it to another part of the brain to be logged. This research would suggest that trial graphics with visual representations of the facts would facilitate the encoding of information and improve memorization.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Trial Graphics- 3D Animation

A large part of case preparation is conducting an assessment of what jurors will consider most important in a case. There are consultants who specialize in predicting how jurors will react and from that, will make a recommendation about what direction or theme the court presentation should have. Extensive research is conducted to back up this point of view with the facts of the case. Trial graphics, especially 3D animation, can be a very persuasive tool when it is developed with this kind of jury assessment in mind.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Causes a Tsunami- Shifting Tectonic Plates

The earth is actually made up of huge "plates" like a jigsaw puzzle. Where these plates fit together is known as the plate boundary. The causes of a tsunami are the plates when they shift against each other. In a divergent plate boundary, the plates move away from each other. Where there is a convergent plate boundary the plates push toward each other or collide. Transform boundaries are formed where plates shift past each other horizontally.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations that explain what happens.

What Causes a Tsunami- Seismic Energy

If there is a shift, like an earthquake, on the ocean floor and a plate boundary rises or falls, it displaces the water above. The destructive force causes a tsunami ito form. Volcanic eruptions and underwater landslides can also cause tsunamis. Most tsunamis happen when an earthquake causes what is called a "subduction zone." This is an area where a plate is forced down into the earth's layer known as the mantle. This causes enormous amount of friction, as the two plates move against each other extremely slowly. The under plate and an overriding plate essentially become stuck. This causes an accumulation of energy which can store up and build over decades or at times centuries. This is known as seismic energy.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations about tsunamis.

Trial Graphics- Visual Retention

The relevant facts of a case can be difficult to communicate to jurors, especially when they are new to the subject matter or if the information is complex. It has been proven in studies that factual information presented verbally without visual aids is less likely to be retained by jury members. Trial graphics that use visual, demonstrative evidence can increase retention of this information considerably. Trial graphics and courtroom graphics are often used in criminal and corporate liability cases but, might also be used in patent trials, accident and fraud cases--actually any case that requires the presentation of complex information to prove a case.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Trial Graphics- Jury Information Retention

Cases that go to trial have to be presented to jurors in a way that is clear and informative, because the majority of jurors chosen will not have previous knowledge or experience with the complicated aspects of the case.  A good juror will practice memorization skills and take notes. However, it has been said that upwards of 61 percent of the general public learns visually. This means that at least half of any jury would have improved comprehension and retention of facts if they were presented visually. Studies have also shown that information retention can be as low as 10% when jurors are listening to the facts of a case without visual aids.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Trial Graphics- Demonstrative Visual Aids

The demonstrative, visual aids that are used in courtroom trials by attorneys to inform and educate jurors about the relevant facts of a case are known as trial graphics or courtroom graphics. These visual representations of the facts and circumstances surrounding a case might also be referred to as the litigation graphics or as courtroom exhibits. In recent years the use of 3D animated trial graphics is being used more frequently, as it can be a very persuasive tool for showing viewers a specific point of view in a case for the defense or prosecution. Photographs, PowerPoint presentations and illustrations might also be used but, only the 3D animated trial graphics offer complete re-creations of a crime or event.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

What Causes a Tsunami- How Tsunamis are Formed

Tsunami is a Japanese word which means "harbor wave."  In the past these damaging ocean waves were sometimes known as tidal waves but, the term fell out of favor with the scientific community, because tsunamis have nothing to do with tides. Over  80% of tsunamis form in the Pacific Rim region. There is a geographically active area there known as the "Ring of Fire," which is prone to volcanoes and earthquakes due to the existence of tectonic plate boundaries in the ocean floor. Tsunami facts can be difficult to understand and scientists are still attempting to determine what causes them and how to predict them earlier so lives can be saved.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations that explain what happens.