Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Causes a Tsunami- Seismic Energy

If there is a shift, like an earthquake, on the ocean floor and a plate boundary rises or falls, it displaces the water above. The destructive force causes a tsunami ito form. Volcanic eruptions and underwater landslides can also cause tsunamis. Most tsunamis happen when an earthquake causes what is called a "subduction zone." This is an area where a plate is forced down into the earth's layer known as the mantle. This causes enormous amount of friction, as the two plates move against each other extremely slowly. The under plate and an overriding plate essentially become stuck. This causes an accumulation of energy which can store up and build over decades or at times centuries. This is known as seismic energy.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations about tsunamis.

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