Saturday, December 31, 2011

3D Animation Can Increase Viewer Retention - 3d Animation Studio

Because animation studios require large amounts of time and money to fully take advantage of 3D technologies, many production companies have steered clear. With the dawn of newer technologies, however, 3D graphics have come into the reach of any production desiring them. With the new plug-ins and modeling technology, producers are able to create their 3D graphics and animations in as little as a week. Through the use of 3D filming, producers are able to give the viewer an even more exciting experience by escaping the boundaries of the camera and actual recorded footage. Whereas large parts of a scene were largely inaccessible in the past, virtual cameras allow the audience to truly take in the whole picture and become, essentially, a part of the story themselves.

With the advent of 3D technology and the continued improvement of graphics, animators and producers are able to take the viewer on realistic journeys through hurricanes, murders, and even the human body. 3D graphics open up a world previously unexplored by the viewer. 3D filming and graphics have proven themselves capable of saving both time and money when it comes to creating realistic experiences such as films that give viewers first-hand looks at marine life under the waves, the internal functioning of the human body, and ancient sites such as catacombs.

If there is one thing that 3D technology is excellent at, it is holding the attention of the viewer whether it is being used in film, marketing, or as a relatively simple visual aid. This technology is also used in courtrooms in order to demonstrate how a crime or event transpired as well as in commercials, product demonstrations, and museums. With the advent and development of 3D technology, the imagination of the producer is really the only limit.

TMBA is an animation studio. Find out more about 3d animation by visiting the studio website.

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