Monday, December 19, 2011

3D Animations for Television Increases Your Viewer Retention

Because animation studios require large amounts of time and money to fully take advantage of 3D technologies, many production companies have steered clear. With the dawn of newer technologies, however, 3D graphics have come into the reach of any production desiring them. Whereas before production teams would have to spend countless hours and amounts of money creating 3D graphics, today technology allows them to create their desired product in as little as a week Animation using 3D technology virtually has no limits meaning that the producer is able to take the viewer anywhere as opposed to being confined by the camera. Virtual cameras allow for the audience to explore the scene and the story on a more intimate level through allowing them to see areas of the picture that would otherwise be inaccessible.

With the advent of 3D technology and the continued improvement of graphics, animators and producers are able to take the viewer on realistic journeys through hurricanes, murders, and even the human body. 3D graphics open up an endless number of possibilities. Viewers can travel through ancient catacombs, dive under the waves in the ocean and experience marine life first hand, as well as dive into the human body and see how it functions from the inside.

TMBA is a 3d animation studio. Find out more about 3d animation for television by visiting the studio website.

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