Saturday, December 31, 2011

3D Animation Can Increase Viewer Retention - 3d Animation Studio

Because animation studios require large amounts of time and money to fully take advantage of 3D technologies, many production companies have steered clear. With the dawn of newer technologies, however, 3D graphics have come into the reach of any production desiring them. With the new plug-ins and modeling technology, producers are able to create their 3D graphics and animations in as little as a week. Through the use of 3D filming, producers are able to give the viewer an even more exciting experience by escaping the boundaries of the camera and actual recorded footage. Whereas large parts of a scene were largely inaccessible in the past, virtual cameras allow the audience to truly take in the whole picture and become, essentially, a part of the story themselves.

With the advent of 3D technology and the continued improvement of graphics, animators and producers are able to take the viewer on realistic journeys through hurricanes, murders, and even the human body. 3D graphics open up a world previously unexplored by the viewer. 3D filming and graphics have proven themselves capable of saving both time and money when it comes to creating realistic experiences such as films that give viewers first-hand looks at marine life under the waves, the internal functioning of the human body, and ancient sites such as catacombs.

If there is one thing that 3D technology is excellent at, it is holding the attention of the viewer whether it is being used in film, marketing, or as a relatively simple visual aid. This technology is also used in courtrooms in order to demonstrate how a crime or event transpired as well as in commercials, product demonstrations, and museums. With the advent and development of 3D technology, the imagination of the producer is really the only limit.

TMBA is an animation studio. Find out more about 3d animation by visiting the studio website.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

3D Animation Increases Viewer Retention - 3d Animation Studios

3D graphics and film have become absolutely crucial to a large percentage of the film industry. 3D visual effects also have numerous creative as well as practical applications in the field of production. Whereas the camera only allows for actual footage, 3D animation gives the producer the ability to relay even more intense, dramatic, and fantastical images.

Finding audiences has proven itself to be a challenge particularly in recent years with the dramatic increase in television and video programming. Without a large enough audience, programs are not able to survive much less thrive. The use of 3D animation studios to produce 3D graphics has been shown to increase viewer retention among programs. Due to the increase in 3D visual effects both in video games as well as in films, the modern audience has become much more adept at navigating 3D images.

TMBA is a 3d animation studio. Find out more about 3d animation by visiting the studio website.

Monday, December 19, 2011

3D Animations for Television Increases Your Viewer Retention

Because animation studios require large amounts of time and money to fully take advantage of 3D technologies, many production companies have steered clear. With the dawn of newer technologies, however, 3D graphics have come into the reach of any production desiring them. Whereas before production teams would have to spend countless hours and amounts of money creating 3D graphics, today technology allows them to create their desired product in as little as a week Animation using 3D technology virtually has no limits meaning that the producer is able to take the viewer anywhere as opposed to being confined by the camera. Virtual cameras allow for the audience to explore the scene and the story on a more intimate level through allowing them to see areas of the picture that would otherwise be inaccessible.

With the advent of 3D technology and the continued improvement of graphics, animators and producers are able to take the viewer on realistic journeys through hurricanes, murders, and even the human body. 3D graphics open up an endless number of possibilities. Viewers can travel through ancient catacombs, dive under the waves in the ocean and experience marine life first hand, as well as dive into the human body and see how it functions from the inside.

TMBA is a 3d animation studio. Find out more about 3d animation for television by visiting the studio website.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Trial Graphics Have Real Value

Trial lawyers should not underestimate the value of professionally created and presented graphics. Jurors have come to expect sophisticated, technologically advanced graphics because of what they have seen on television and the Internet. In the modern courtroom, there is simply no better way have a strong impact on a jury's understanding of the facts than the use of professionally created trial graphics. Litigation graphics determine what and how a jury remembers facts.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trial Graphics Create a Story-Line

A professional in courtroom and trial graphics can take still images, 3D animations, sound recordings and video footage to create a full multimedia presentation. A phone call can play while the image of the speaker appears on the screen along with a transcript of the call. A photo montage of a victim's life can appear as loved ones speak.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Trial Graphics Create a Story-Line

In many cases, an understanding of the chronological sequence of actions is critical to reaching a true interpretation of what happened. A series of 3D images can be put together creating a story-line that portrays the series of events leading up to and following a possible crime. Animated images can also assist in demonstrating causation.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Trial Graphics- Demonstrative Evidence

Trial graphics today go beyond the presentation of still images. They can be digitally enhanced to provide 3D effects. Graphics that give the appearance of depth will have a greater impression on a juror. This can be especially important in recreating a scene or incident in a criminal case where the position of the people involved in the event affects its interpretation. It can help a juror see what the witness actually saw.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Trial Graphics- Demonstrative Evidence

The presentation of exhibits of documents, photographs, video footage and records have been part of the trial lawyer's arsenal for many years. What has changed is the way in which they can be presented. Documents and photographs can be enlarged in crisp detail and then displayed on a large screen to maximize the impact on a jury. Multiple images can also be displayed simultaneously for the purpose of comparison.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Trial Graphics are Persuasive

A visual presentation is one of the best ways a trial lawyer has to present facts, provide an interpretation of events and make a lasting impression upon a jury. Many technical advancements in the use of trial graphics over the past two decades have moved the preparation of graphics out of the attorney's office and into specialized firms maintained by graphic professionals or specialists in trial graphics. Litigation graphics have come to play a powerful role in the modern courtroom.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Friday, June 24, 2011

Integrating Trial Graphics

There is the option of integrating audio and/or video into a set of trial graphics. Phone calls and security camera videos are often at the top of the list, but lawyers might also create media from medical information. For example, instead of showing medical records individually, they could showcase everything through a quick video. For juries, such a presentation is easier to digest, especially considering how much additional information they are expected to process.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Trial Graphics are Persuasive

Trial graphics are a very important element for any case. It does not matter if one is working as a defense or prosecution attorney, as this form of media is a helpful boost for any side. Combine this with the power of persuasion, and lawyers increase their odds of winning even during the most difficult trials.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trial Graphics Often Include 3D Animations

Trial graphics may also contain animations, especially if a lawyer is trying to depict their theories on how a crime played out. By using animations, they re-tell the story of what happened. Juries no longer have to imagine what happened, which eliminates the chance that they may misunderstand an attorney’s arguments.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Trial Graphics- Simple and Effective

Trial graphics can be very simple and still be effective. The most basic ones include illustration boards, drawings or maps. The drawings and maps can be enlarged for better viewing. Meanwhile, the illustration boards help keep everything consistent. They can also keep a particular figure on display while the lawyer is still talking. This is especially important with flow charts and graphs, as they may contain information the lawyer wants the jury to meditate on..

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trial Graphics Increase Jury Comprehension

Trial graphics can become even more powerful if artists use 3D technologies. With these technologies, images spring forth with life, giving juries a more realistic view of the situation. Of course, this is assuming that the images are displayed in an organized manner. Overlays and other presentation boards can help achieve this feat.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Trial Graphics Educate Juries

An attorney’s job is to educate the courtroom as much as they can about the situation being litigated, and make sure that all facts are easily understood, all in the pursuit of justice for his clients. Trial graphics are the way to get that accomplished.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Trial Graphics Increase Jury Comprehension

Most successful lawyers use trial graphics at some point in their careers. Through these images, juries gain a better understanding of the facts being presented to them. For this reason, courtroom graphics must be simple yet professional in appearance. If a lawyer cannot create these images themselves, they outsource the task to graphic design artists. From there, the images are compiled into a professional presentation. When the presentation is finished, lawyers can showcase a variety of media, ranging from crime photos to medical records. Video can also be included if necessary.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Friday, June 17, 2011

Trial Graphics and Digital Animations

Traditional methods of presenting courtroom and trial graphics are the use of illustration boards with maps or drawings to display for the court. They can be enlarged for easy viewing and can be marked with important information. Flow charts, graphs, written timelines, and photographs are used by attorneys as well to convey their facts to the court. Flow charts and graphs are an excellent way for jurors to understand complicated data and statistics such as financial or scientific information.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Trial Graphics- Graphics for Trial Presentations

The latest development in digital litigation graphics is the use of 3D technology. The graphics are colorful and true to life, which allows the court to get a real feel for the situation that is being litigated and a real understanding of the facts at hand. Used in combination with other graphic presentations such as display boards and overlays, courtroom litigators gain a real advantage in the litigation process.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trial Graphics- Graphics for Trial Presentations

Trial graphics are a very important part of any trial lawyer’s presentation to a jury. It truly is the best way for the court to understand the facts that are presented by the attorneys. Courtroom graphics have become much more technical in the past twenty years and are usually prepared by professional graphics companies or legal outsourcing firms as part of trial preparation. Exhibits, including, documents, photo’s, videos, medical records and more can become part of a trial graphics presentation.

If you want to read more about trial graphics and Courtroom Graphics you can visit the the TMBA, Inc website here:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Trial Graphics- Demonstrative Trial Graphics

The ultimate success of a trial lawyer depends somewhat upon their ability to define what is truly important about a case, especially an accurate assessment of what prospective jurors will consider important. With so much at stake, meticulous research is essential. Outside consultants may be called in to help determine the "theme" of a case and assist in the development of appropriate courtroom exhibits to present a compelling version of the facts. These consultants claim an understanding of how jurors learn, think and deliberate and recommend ways of presenting demonstrative visual evidence that will meet that criteria. Services offered by trial graphics companies include but, are not limited to technical and medical illustrations, photography and video, physical models, charts and graphs and 2D and 3D computer animation otherwise known as computer generated imagery (CGI).

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Trial Graphics- Courtroom Trial Graphics

Any courtroom trial involves a steep learning curve for most jurors, especially those new to the subject matter under discussion. This requires learning and memorization skills. There is evidence to suggest that people retain more information when is is presented with some kind of visual support. In fact, Studies have shown that between 61 and 65 percent of the general public are visual learners, which would indicate that at least half of every jury would show improved learning with visual support. It is also said that jurors retain only 10-15% of what the hear in the courtroom. Visual support is also thought to increase juror's retention of information.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Trial Graphics- Trial Graphics in New York City

Of the available resources, 3D animation is the most technology driven. Especially in accident and criminal cases, where events that are described verbally can be difficult for a juror to visualize accurately, 3D animation can be a useful tool for recreating an event, highlighting complex technical facts surrounding a case, or demonstration of forensic facts in a re-creation of an alleged crime. The choice of 3D animation as a visual tool depends on factors such as the purpose of the graphic, the amount of time needed to produce it, the existing budget, the need for future revisions, and the compatibility of 3D with other courtroom graphics included in the strategy.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Trial Graphics- Jury Information Retention

Known as an effective tool when developing a case, trial graphics are used in all kinds of cases including criminal cases, accidents, corporate liability cases, fraud, patent arguments, etc. Relevant facts surrounding an event can be difficult to communicate clearly to juries, judges and the public because the information is often complex and hard to understand when presented verbally. Offering visual reference via the use of courtroom graphics increases a juror's understanding of the facts and improves information retention.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trial Graphics- 3D Trial Graphics

Trial graphics is a term used to describe the visual aids used by attorneys to give jurors a clear, visual explanation of the relevant facts surrounding a case during a trial.

The use of trial graphics, also known as litigation graphics, courtroom graphics or courtroom exhibits, might include illustrations, photographs (often enlarged to show detail), charts, PowerPoint presentations and 3D animated scenes. These visual tools are intended to persuade jurors to view the facts of a case in favor of the presenter, be it the case of the defense or prosecution. 

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Bin Laden's Guest House

Osama Bin Laden's Guest House

His guesthouse was located in University Town, a handsome suburb of quiet walled compounds , built originally by the British in the colonial era . The two-story concrete villa would set a pattern for bin Laden for the next twenty years. The villa was plush by Peshawar standards, as was every locale bin Laden occupied from then on. Bin Laden’s lifestyle, however, was simple. He shared sleeping quarters in the dormitories with the transients. He was living with many other volunteers, sleeping either on thin mattresses, or on rugs thrown on the ground.

To read more you can visit he TMBA website:

or to see the video you can go here:

Osama Bin Laden's Al Jihad Offices

Osama Bin Laden's Guest House

A newspaper, Al Jihad, had offices in the guesthouse. In the downstairs meeting room bin Laden and other Islamist leaders sipped tea while sitting on woven rugs.

To read more you can visit the TMBA website:

or to see the video you can go here:

Osama Bin Laden's Al Jihad Offices

Osama Bin Laden's Al Jihad Offices

A newspaper, Al Jihad, had offices in the guesthouse. In the downstairs meeting room bin Laden and other Islamist leaders sipped tea while sitting on woven rugs.

To read more you can visit the TMBA website:

or to see the video you can go here:

Osama Bin Laden al-Masada

Osama Bin Laden's al-Masada (Lion's Den)

It is certain Bin Laden did build one camp near Jajhi Afghanistan, where only arab fighters were allowed. It was known as al-Masada or The Lion’s Den….a series of barrack, ammunition, stores, firing ranges, makeshift first-aid clinic, communication point and so forth.

The Mujahideen al-Masada ("Lion's Den") compound had been constructed by Osama bin Laden, in order to have a training facility that didn't rely on Pakistan.

To read more you can visit the TMBA website: al-Masaada compound

or to see the video you can go here:

Osama's Hideouts- Caves at Tora Bora

Osama's Hideouts- Caves at Tora Bora

While cold and uncomfortable, some of the caves had rock walled rooms carved out by Afghan fighters during the jihad with the Soviets and were equipped with generators and water supplies. These were areas that were designed to allow people to hole up inside, and to hide out, to store food, to store weapons, to store people.

To read more you can visit the TMBA website: Osama Caves at Tora Bora

or to see the video you can go here:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trial Graphics- 3D Trial Graphics

Especially useful In criminal and accident trials, 3D trial graphics can take a juror right into an event, present complicated technical facts or demonstrate forensic evidence. The purpose of a graphic, the amount of time needed to produce it, the existing budget, the need for future revisions, and the compatibility of 3D with other courtroom graphics included in the strategy.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Causes a Tsunami- Tsunami Wave Train

A tsunami wave has a trough, which is the lowest point beneath the wave's crest. The trough reaches inland first, and creates a vacuum that sucks up the coastal water near the shoreline away from the land, exposing the sea floor in harbors and inland areas. The is the first indicator that the destructive crest of the wave is on its way and can help save lives-- there is about five minutes from the the time of the coastal water being sucked away and the arrival of the tsunami wave.

As a tsunami waves travel across deep water they may be only a foot or so high and hard to detect. Once it reaches inland, however the surge can reach heights of 100 feet or more, a massive wall of water that when it reaches land that can cause incredible destruction and loss of life. With wavelengths of up to 60 miles long these dangerous phenomenon can destroy long stretches of coastal areas. These waves are often part of a wave train, which is a series of waves and its mandatory to wait for an all clear before returning to the scene of a tsunami.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations that illustrate the wave pattern.

Trial Graphics- Medical Animation

Of the available trial graphic services, technical and medical illustrations and photography have been in use for many, many years. More recently, the use of 2D and 3D computer animations have been on the rise. Modern digital technology and software has made 3D animations more accessible than ever. They have also become must faster to produce.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trial Graphics- Encoding Information

Scientists have looked at a process known as encoding, which is the first step of memorization. With encoding, our memory uses a classification system for ordering information before forwarding it to another part of the brain to be logged. This research would suggest that trial graphics with visual representations of the facts would facilitate the encoding of information and improve memorization.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Trial Graphics- 3D Animation

A large part of case preparation is conducting an assessment of what jurors will consider most important in a case. There are consultants who specialize in predicting how jurors will react and from that, will make a recommendation about what direction or theme the court presentation should have. Extensive research is conducted to back up this point of view with the facts of the case. Trial graphics, especially 3D animation, can be a very persuasive tool when it is developed with this kind of jury assessment in mind.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Causes a Tsunami- Shifting Tectonic Plates

The earth is actually made up of huge "plates" like a jigsaw puzzle. Where these plates fit together is known as the plate boundary. The causes of a tsunami are the plates when they shift against each other. In a divergent plate boundary, the plates move away from each other. Where there is a convergent plate boundary the plates push toward each other or collide. Transform boundaries are formed where plates shift past each other horizontally.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations that explain what happens.

What Causes a Tsunami- Seismic Energy

If there is a shift, like an earthquake, on the ocean floor and a plate boundary rises or falls, it displaces the water above. The destructive force causes a tsunami ito form. Volcanic eruptions and underwater landslides can also cause tsunamis. Most tsunamis happen when an earthquake causes what is called a "subduction zone." This is an area where a plate is forced down into the earth's layer known as the mantle. This causes enormous amount of friction, as the two plates move against each other extremely slowly. The under plate and an overriding plate essentially become stuck. This causes an accumulation of energy which can store up and build over decades or at times centuries. This is known as seismic energy.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations about tsunamis.

Trial Graphics- Visual Retention

The relevant facts of a case can be difficult to communicate to jurors, especially when they are new to the subject matter or if the information is complex. It has been proven in studies that factual information presented verbally without visual aids is less likely to be retained by jury members. Trial graphics that use visual, demonstrative evidence can increase retention of this information considerably. Trial graphics and courtroom graphics are often used in criminal and corporate liability cases but, might also be used in patent trials, accident and fraud cases--actually any case that requires the presentation of complex information to prove a case.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Trial Graphics- Jury Information Retention

Cases that go to trial have to be presented to jurors in a way that is clear and informative, because the majority of jurors chosen will not have previous knowledge or experience with the complicated aspects of the case.  A good juror will practice memorization skills and take notes. However, it has been said that upwards of 61 percent of the general public learns visually. This means that at least half of any jury would have improved comprehension and retention of facts if they were presented visually. Studies have also shown that information retention can be as low as 10% when jurors are listening to the facts of a case without visual aids.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Trial Graphics- Demonstrative Visual Aids

The demonstrative, visual aids that are used in courtroom trials by attorneys to inform and educate jurors about the relevant facts of a case are known as trial graphics or courtroom graphics. These visual representations of the facts and circumstances surrounding a case might also be referred to as the litigation graphics or as courtroom exhibits. In recent years the use of 3D animated trial graphics is being used more frequently, as it can be a very persuasive tool for showing viewers a specific point of view in a case for the defense or prosecution. Photographs, PowerPoint presentations and illustrations might also be used but, only the 3D animated trial graphics offer complete re-creations of a crime or event.

To learn more about Trial Graphics and to see some examples of Courtroom Exhibits visit the TMBA, Inc. website

What Causes a Tsunami- How Tsunamis are Formed

Tsunami is a Japanese word which means "harbor wave."  In the past these damaging ocean waves were sometimes known as tidal waves but, the term fell out of favor with the scientific community, because tsunamis have nothing to do with tides. Over  80% of tsunamis form in the Pacific Rim region. There is a geographically active area there known as the "Ring of Fire," which is prone to volcanoes and earthquakes due to the existence of tectonic plate boundaries in the ocean floor. Tsunami facts can be difficult to understand and scientists are still attempting to determine what causes them and how to predict them earlier so lives can be saved.

Learn more about what causes a tsunami. Stop by The TMBA site where you can find out all about how tsunamis are formed and see several 3d animations that explain what happens.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lubaantun- Lubaantun Site Reconstruction

City of Lubaantun
3D Animation Studio

Lubaantun- TMBA created this 3D animation of the archaeological site of Lubaantun, the Mayan city, based on historical diagrams and factual research information.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Forensic Animation Grows in Popularity

To learn more about trial graphics, stop by the TMBA, Inc. studio where you can find out all about forensic animation and legal presentation graphics.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Forensic Animation- Forensic Computer Animation

Forensic animation is a category of 3D animation that is used for re-creating crime scenes, criminal events, accidents or disasters that have caused death. There is a wide range of uses for forensic computer animation, as forensic scientists work with investigators to gather all the relevant facts of a case and build a provable explanation of what happened and who might be at fault. There are many forensic events that can be useful to re-create in 3D, such as automobile or vehicular accidents, building, bridge or crane collapse, deadly assaults with weapons or the failure of a mechanical device that has caused a crash, explosion or fire.

To learn more about forensic animation and to see some examples of trial graphics visit the TMBA, Inc. website

Forensic Computer Animation

Looking to find the best forensic animation studio, then visit to learn more about trial graphics.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Egypt Labyrinth- Labyrinth of Egypt

Want to find out more about Labyrinth of Egypt, then visit the TMBA website site to read more about the Labyrinth of Egypt and to see the 3D reconstruction.

Labyrinth of Egypt and Flinders Petrie

Interested in seeing what the Labyrinth of Egypt might have looked like? Then visit to see the Labyrinth of Egypt archaeological site reconstruction.